Reset your password

Forgot your password? Don't worry, it happen to the best of us. Just type your email and follow the simple steps below to create a new one and regain access to your account.

Steps to Reset Your Password:

  1. Enter your registered email address in the box. This is the email you used when you first signed up.
  2. Click on the “Reset Password” button. We will send a password reset link to your email.
  3. Check your email inbox (and the spam folder, just in case) for our password reset email.
  4. Click on the link in the email to be redirected to the password reset page.
  5. Enter a new password. Be sure to create a strong password to keep your account secure.

Remember, it’s important to regularly update your password and keep it confidential for your account security. 

If you encounter any issues during this process, please contact our support team at [email protected]. We’re here to help!

Welcome to The Loan Atlas!

Before you embark on your journey with us, please take a moment to review and sign our End User Agreement. This step is essential to ensure you have full access to all our resources and services.